listl;private Arraylistostring1

listl; private Arraylistostring 1" Checks if a string is contained in an Arraylist - Rparam atist an Arraylist of string objects target a string to look for - greturn true if targot is in atist; false otherwise . private bollean isin(traytistustring)alist, string target) ( for(String 5 : aList) if(s.equals(target)) return true; ) return false; /" Removes duplicate strings from alist aList an Arraylist of String objects - Greturn an Arraylist containing every unique String from alist but not containing any String more than once. private Arraylist-string) removebups(A raylist(string) alist) Arraylistestring)output = now Arraylist-string?(); if (1 isin(output, s)) f ) output.add(s); return output; 1" getum an Arraylist containing each of the elements from listl and list? - but with no duplicate Strings public Arraylist(String) combilist) Arraylistestring)ulistl . Arraylistestring) result - no Arraytistestring) (); for (String word:utist1) f result.add(word); for (String word:utist2) i result.add(word); return result; The combilist method is intended to return an ArrayList which contains every word which appears on list1 or list2 without any duplicate words For which of the following values of the method not work as intended? $list1=[''pick'',''key'',''lock'']\ 1ist2=[''anvil',$ $1ist1={ ^{ast }lock^{ast },^{ast }pick'',''pick'',''key''} \ 1$ list! - ("lock", "fire" $list1=[''lock^{circ },'''ine'',''fire'']\ list2=[''anvi$ list2. "pick' The method will work as intended ded for all values of list1 and list? $list1=(^{ast }20ck^{ast },^{ast }lock^{ast },^{ast }pick^{ast },ast loc$



### The method will not work as intended for inputs where `list1` or `list2` contain duplicate elements, such as:
1. `list1 = ["lock", "pick", "pick", "key"], list2 = ["anvil"]`
2. `list1 = ["lock", "lock", "pick", "key"], list2 = ["pick"]`.




Verify the correct cases ### The method will work correctly when both `list1` and `list2` contain unique elements,

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